CM12500P Battery Charger is compatible to B13930S Battery, it is also compatible to B13860S Battery with Plug A1 Adapter. Additionally, CM12500P features the following functions: Overcurrent protection, Overheat protection, Under-voltage protection, Fault Isolation, and Status Indicator. Battery Charger will terminate the charging process and switch off the battery automatically when the battery is fully charged.
- Economical and highly efficient
- 2500W rated power, 15min SuperCharge
Model | CM12500P |
Compatible battery | B13960S |
Dimensions | 242mm x 137mm x 337mm |
Weight | About. 9.0kg |
operating temperature | -10OC to 45OC |
Storage temperature | -20OC to 55OC |
Cooling mode | External air cooling |
Operating altitude | ≤ 3000m |
Entry | AC 90-165V ~ 50/60Hz 23A (max.)
AC 180-260V ~ 50/60Hz 23A (max.) |
Exit | DC 50-60V/25A (max) / 1250W (AC 90-165V ~ 50/60Hz)
DC 50-60V/50A (max) / 2550W (AC 180-260V ~ 50/60Hz) |
Warranty details | 12 months |