Diagonal wheelbase |
1600MM |
Payload |
9 KG |
Lenght of the rotor |
Number of the rotor |
6 |
Empty payload flying time |
20MIN |
Flying speed |
0-15M/S |
Recommendedflyingspeed |
<8M/S |
Flying height |
500M |
Flight Radius |
1 KM |
Anti-wind |
12 M/S |
Safety Control |
Onekey Return, out the control return, low battery alarm and data recorder |
Security Asurance |
Automatic Return To Base ifloss signal / Low Bat |
Multi control mode |
Manual stability, autonomous take-off landing, flying attitude stability/GPS attitude stability |
Support the OSD image display data system |
Support real-time monitor height and distance, GPS star number, flight status real-time display. |
Real-time display |
Real-time display flying height, distance ,heading Angle |
Monitoring |
Support the first view monitoring |