Avirtech Aviro Z1

Survey and mapping drone with vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capabilities, combining the best of both worlds of multi-rotor and fixed-wing drones.

Professional survey and mapping drone

take-off and landing (VTOL) capabilities, combining the best of both worlds of multi-rotor and fixed-wing drones.

Survey and mapping drone

The Aviro Z1 is a long-range drone that maps large areas with two payloads. It only needs two days of training for full operation and sets up in about 10 minutes, equipped for mapping, thermal imaging, or vegetation health.

Survey and mapping drone

The Aviro Z1 is a long-range drone that maps large areas with two payloads. It only needs two days of training for full operation and sets up in about 10 minutes, equipped for mapping, thermal imaging, or vegetation health.

Dual payloads

The Aviro Z1 is the industry’s first drone with dual payload capability, allowing many types of data to be acquired with various sensor combinations in a single flight.

Base package includes

Items are available for a complete and hassle-free experience.

  • Aviro Z1 drone
  • Remote controller
  • Battery set XL
  • Battery charger XL
  • Industrial transport case
  • 1 year warranty carry in
  • Technical support
  • Ground station

Pelajari Lebih lanjut Tentang Avirtech Aviro Z1



Specification Details
Number of Rotors 6
Wingspan 1900 mm
Maximum Weight (MTOW) 5.2 kg including payload and batteries
Maximum Payload Up to 1 kg
Maximum Flying Time Up to 120 minutes
Flight Altitude Up to 4500 m
Range Up to 40 km
Take off/ Landing Mode Vertical Take-Off & Landing (VTOL)
Wind Resistance Class 6, up to 13 m/s
Flying Speed Up to 28 m/s
Battery Quantity Single piece


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Jalan Pinangsia Raya Ruko No.66F, Pinangsia

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